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the need to be first
turn taking and autism: 3 ways to support being first
Is there a student who always needs to be first? Perhaps you have to deal with the same issues over and over, when lining up your class? Try out the 3 ideas to support those children who always want to...
Challenging Behaviour in the classroom
Imagine your classroom working as a functional family, with each adult equally responsible during the good times and the bad. Everyone would step in and manage situations and everyone would share the stresses...
An Autism Curriculum: Thoughts on Engagement
Time to think about engagement vs data How much time have you given to thinking about the engagement of your students in activities? Or have we become obsessed with data collection and analysing our children...
5 thoughts on using a Behaviour Chart
“He needs a behaviour chart!” A common instruction from our advisor, when a child started showing negative behaviors. It was often the violent behaviors that grabbed the most attention and...
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