As summer slips away and the new academic year draws near, my focus returns to classroom behaviour management. I’m often at my most reflective at this time of year. My mind has had time to recharge and settle from the goings on of the last academic year.
It is really difficult to truly switch off as a teacher. The majority of us in our profession continually strive for the best for our children. Even when I’m on holiday with my family, I’ll see something that makes me think of one of my students. “Jake would love this beach full of shells to collect and a train to watch nearby.” I have learnt over the years to keep most of these thoughts to myself. It’s not great for family dynamics to bring your class with you on holiday, even if it is just in mind!
What can I change?
I don’t know about you, but my reflection usually always ends up focused on the behavior management of my class. The more lively incidents of the past year I ponder over. I think about what we could have done differently. I then drift into considering who is in my class this year and what I am going to do for them.
Beware at this point of quick fix solutions! Behavior Management is quite straight forward. Focus on understanding your students and build relationships. This takes time and requires plenty of opportunities to develop trust. Once this information is gathered, you need to get your detective hat on and think deep. Children with special needs often have key areas they need to develop skills in. It is the lack of such skills in those working with the children, that often triggers behavioral problems.
One size doesn’t fit all
Have you ever introduced a ‘one size fits all’ behavior strategy to your classroom? Maybe tokens to earn or an expectation that everyone does the same thing at the same time? How often are these strategies successful for you? Great if they work, however if you have the same few children who are unable to follow the strategy, it is time to ask why? And then the bigger questions, “What can I do differently? What skills do they not yet have that I need to teach?” And this is why I believe that behavior management should not be something to fear as a teacher. It is an area to approach with a detective hat and a good amount of curiosity and logic. Find that missing skill and teach it!
Punishing a child for a skill they don’t have is a bit like making them sit on the naughty step everyday until they magically learn a new skill. Instead it is our job to recognise a problem, interact and teach the skill!
During your reflection time away from the classroom, stick that detective hat on and get thinking. Your class will appreciate you for it!
If you would like further ideas to develop an inclusive classroom we have created a mini-course and classroom resources to support you here. POSITIVE Behavior Management Mini-Course Special Education